interesting facts ..Why there's Diversity in Thoughts..

As someone truly said...
"I have no right,by anything I do or say , to demean a human being in his own eyes. What matters is not what I think of him , it is what he thinks of himself. To undermine
Someone's self-respect is a sin"

•Many a times you come across different people of different religion, culture, belonging to different caste. 

You may think after conversing with them that why....why they are having these types of thoughts. It is obvious in 90% cases , that your thoughts will clash against each other.

Everyone in this world thinks that their thoughts are ultimate, resolved and best. Thoughts can be related to type of food one should consume, Religion (in most of the cases people blindly follows their religion), way of speaking, things to do or not to do and many other stuff.
Even a terrorist thinks and strongly believes that the act they are doing are for society's sake. 'But  terrorism is not what we should promote. It is just a sin. Killing of innocent people , is not something we call freedom of thoughts and actions'.

The main thing to be focused upon is ' The thought process'.

Thought process is taking the information and preserving it in minds in different ways.
•A vegetarian thinks veggies are the best and for non vegetarian meat is the best.
•Some believes in God and some don't.
And many more these types of conflicts are there in our society.
It is not that who is correct and who is not. The thing of concern is that everyone in this world have different prospectus towards the life. 

Even when looking at the same object, no two people see that object exactly the same , because no two people can stand in the exact same locations to see the object at same time.
                                               (Same object... But two different views)
                                                                     Image source

Every person in this world have different experiences that frames their minds in different ways. Some have bad experiences in their life which leads the person to have negative point of view about life.

The point is that we should not be rude or arrogant. Arguments are more likely to happen, not because you have different opinions, but because of how you put them forward.

Try to understand their views. People come from different backgrounds and are brought up to believe in different view points. We are all influenced by a number of things, such as our upbringing,our culture, parental views.
                                                         (It's just a matter of perspective)


Click here for Comments
April 1, 2020 at 8:26 AM

Very true lines 💕

April 26, 2020 at 9:07 PM

Nice l am ayush .saini


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