Ancient Aliens, God-Aliens and relation with humans.

Whenever we are bombarded with a word- Aliens, we get amazed, terrified, because of what they are shown in the movies. Most of the time they are shown as bad characters, harming human civilization. We also get confused by this term because there are not many shreds of evidence that proves aliens really exist or not.
Ancient Aliens, God-Aliens and relation with humans.

But wait a minute, what do you mean by Aliens. Are they inferior to us or they are only meant to harm us? According to scientists, there are 100 billion galaxies and 100 billion planets in each galaxy. Now if you multiply both the figures you will get such a big number which is very hard to believe but it is true. Now, do you really think Earth is the only planet which has life, which caries creatures like us? If the above-mentioned figures are true then dude we are not alone in this universe.

Let's say if we are able to reach mars or any other planet and finds someone else there, will you call him an alien. In this scenario, we will be the aliens for him because we are invading his home. What I am trying to say is that the word alien is relative. With the different frames of places the concept of who is alien and who is not changes accordingly.

Ancient aliens, the connection of God and Aliens...

If I say or try to co-relate God with aliens, will I be wrong? Here there is no motive of mine to hurt anyone's feelings or believe. There are many studies, theories that directly relate god with aliens. One theory is that says our God were Ancient Aliens or Ancient astronauts who visited our earth, made contacts with humans and this led to the development of modern culture, technology, etc.

 Why it is hard to believe? There might be aliens that left their offsprings on earth that are commonly known as Adam and Eve. They further led to the upbringing of human civilization. People of different religions have different gods. Although we all say that God is one but no one actually means it truly. Let say this is right. If we apply the theory of Ancient aliens over here, we can say at the time of alien reinvasion (after Adam and eve started the human civilization), they would have done different deeds for different communities at different times, and places. This act of aliens would have created a feeling of respect and humans would have started admiring aliens as their God. Whereas some of the aliens would have started teasing or harming humans, this would have forced other aliens to come to earth and save humans from bad aliens. 

Like we can say according to Ramayana if we relate Ravana to bad alien then good alien Lord Ram would have come to earth to save humans from bad aliens. And this is how we can relate God and Aliens. This might seems funny. In Hindu mythology, the gods and their avatars travel from place to put in flying vehicles called Vimana. There are many mentions of these lying objects within the Ramayana, which was used by the Lankan king Ravana from Sri Lanka dates to the 5th or 4th century BCE. This so-called vimana can be easily entitled as UFO (Unidentified Flying Object)
Aliens UFO

Egyptians also believe that the pyramids have some relation to aliens. Some hypothesis suggests that the big pyramids were the spaceships of aliens that landed and then transformed into these big structures.

Aliens-Humans old bond...

This can also be possible that if Aliens invaded earth they would have found dinosaurs and considering them as a threat to human civilization, aliens might have attacked dinosaurs with their large spaceships. What! am I trying to prove all the theories of big asteroids hitting the earth and resulting in the extinction of dinosaurs? No, it's not like that but this can be true because till today's date we don't have any solid evidence which proves that large asteroid led to the extinction of dinosaurs.

Have you seen Interstellar movie, oh! what a great movie for science and space lovers. This movie has a separate fan base. In this movie, it has shown that when astronauts left the earth searching for another home for humans, they carried humans fertilized eggs with them so that if they find any suitable planet, with those fertilized eggs human civilization could be flourished there too. What technology they were using, this is out of our talk for now. But the concept of using human fertilized eggs for starting human civilization is the center of my interest. You might have heard from different gurus of different religions saying that the first human was born from an egg. You can also find this written in some of the religious books. Now if we relate this to interstellar movie aliens might have left behind their fertilized with some advanced technology that resulted in human evolution. Amazing! we may the descenders of aliens, hurrah. That's why I say word Alien is relative.

Now some questions would be sparking your mind, where are they now, why aliens don't return back to earth, why they are not communicating with us? The reasons for this would be that they might be trying to communicate with us but their medium of communication be different and inferior to us till now. They would have very advanced technology. Many times scientists have recorded some mysterious signals coming from deep space and they are still trying to decode them. I hope they soon will be able to decode them.

All the above might seems too hypothetical, yes it is but this too is not wrong. Different groups of people have different viewpoints over this.

There is a saying that - "What so ever humans are able to think can be possible".

There are many things that were pictured in different science fiction movies and turned into truth with the passage of time.

Try to ask your parents, whether they had imagined that they would be able to make a phone call and video call when they were young like you. You will get the answer.


Click here for Comments
June 13, 2020 at 11:46 PM

I loved the content ,I also use to watch the show ancient alien as this topic always fascinate me

June 14, 2020 at 4:28 AM

Unique ideas ..keep it up

June 14, 2020 at 7:52 PM

Felt great as you all are liking the content.


Ancient Aliens