Life after death. Egyptian thoughts..

It all starts with the theory of life after death.

The Egyptians believed that when they will die , they would make a journey to another world where they would lead a new life. They would need all the things they had used when they were alive. So their families would put those things in their graves.
Many a times it is also found that eatables were also kept in the grave so that is king after death feels hungry in new world would consume that food.

• The dead bodies of powerful Egyptians like Kings, mummified. Mummification is the process of preserving the dead body for long years by applying different types of salts or oils).

•For mummification all the organs were removed only the heart remained.
This is because the Egyptians thought the
Heart was the center of intelligence and emotions.

•The mummfied body were used to be  placed in a stone coffins called sarcophagus.

•Anubis was the God of mummification. He had a human body and the head of jackal.His job was to prepare the bodies of the dead to be received by Osoris. 
Osoris was the ruler of the underworld.

• Those mummies were kept in large pyramids with different things like jewellery, sword clothes and  sometimeseven food. To protect them from outer World.

• Pyramids were made from large sized bricks. Each brick weigh about 2 to 50 tons. This leaves the archeologist stubborn that how they were transported and lifted at that time. 

The pyramids are precisely aligned to true North

•The Ancient Egyptians have the knowledge of how to align structures precisely to true North. If one deeply analyse the position of pyramids will get to Know that 

•Another startling fact about the pyramids of Egypt is the existence of the intricate web of numerous tunnels and mysterious Chambers and shafts under the pyramids.

•The temperature inside the pyramids always remains constant that is 20°C.
Here one can observe the architectural skills of ancient Egyptions.

The Orion correlation theory.

•This theory manifests the concept of that there is a connection between the location of the three great pyramids of the three great pyramids of the Giza.
Giza pyramids are believed to represent the belt of constellation Orion.

•The Orion constellation represents the God Osiris.

•The pyramids were originally covered with casing stones. These casing stones reflected the sun's light and made the pyramids shine like a Jewell. Although with the course of time this shine of pyramids vanished away due to harsh wether conditions.

•The relationship between Pi and Phi. Is also expressed in the fundamental proportions of the great pyramids.


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April 5, 2020 at 11:24 PM

Graet source of information and represented in a simplae language ..
Awesome bro

April 6, 2020 at 12:12 AM

Awesome bro ...doing great

April 6, 2020 at 6:41 AM

Loving these blogs bhai...


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