Amazing Star Facts

Ever wondered looking at the night sky, from where these twinkling light coming from, who is there to provide us the sensational view of the night sky. You might be in a habit of reading Interesting facts about life, psychological facts, many more these kind of stuff, but here I am with some star facts(facts about stars) that will surely amaze you and will admire the beauty of the universe.

Some amazing facts about stars

Before getting started you should have a proper idea about stars.
These are the large celestial bodies(natural objects located outside of the earth) that are mostly made up of hydrogen and helium. These two gases are generally responsible for the light-emitting ability of stars. These serve as fuel for the ongoing nuclear reaction on the surface of a star. Now let's get started. 

  • Stars too have a life cycle, they take birth and die. You might have heard the fact that the one who takes birth has to die one day, nothing is immortal. Stars are formed when a huge amount of gases due to their own gravitational force collide or get condensed into a dense object. After the gasses that are left behind, they serve as fuel to the nuclear reactions so that the large gravitational force is balanced and the star does not collapse. When these surface gases get totally exhausted, the star collapse and die.

  • Relation of Blackhole and stars. Everybody nowadays going crazy about black holes. What are they, where they are, what they are made up of, are really black holes are holes in space, these types of questions might have struck your mind. But all these questions have a straight and simple answer. Stars, when die, have different probabilities of what they will be formed after death. The average stars are turned into a white dwarf star. The larger one will turn into a supernova(huge nuclear explosion), after which it becomes a black hole or supernova.

  • Black holes don't act as a suction cup. In fact they attract objects by their strong gravitational pull. Their gravitational pull is so strong that even light can't escape after falling into it. There is also one common myth that black holes are holes. But it is not soo. In fact they are the dead stars whose fuels run out as mentioned above. 

  • The massive the star the lesser it will live. Stars are of different sizes. Some are thousands of times bigger than our sun. Smaller stars live longer than the massive stars. This is because although the larger stars have a huge amount of hydrogen gas as a fuel, the rate of consumption is very high that results in the vanishing of the gas fast. As the reaction going on the surface of the star stops, the affected star then turns into different forms according to its size.

  • Pole star is not as fixed as it seems. Polaris it is. It is taught to us from our childhood that the pole star is the only star that is fixed in the sky. whenever you will try to point it in the sky, you will easily recognize it in the north direction. Although it is present in the same direction its position is not fixed. The Polaris due to the rotation of the earth on its axis and around the sun appears to rotate in the circular rings. Its circular rings lie above the axis of the earth.

  • The color-Temperature concept doesn't apply here. It is common believe that red is the hottest color among all colors. But it is something opposite that works here. Scientists have found that blue colored stars are hotter than red-colored stars. Rather than red-colored stars are found to be coolest.

  • Neutron stars are as dense as a nucleus. These stars are formed as a result of the massive star's death. Supernova thus formed provides its sufficient energy to be stable. These are composed of neutrons, highly dense in a small diameter of about 30km. As neutrons because of their small size lives longer. Neutron stars can only be detected by their black body radiation. 

  • Stars are black bodies. Let us first talk about what are black bodies.  Speaking in simple language these are such objects which are capable of absorbing 100% of the light that falls on it. Although stars are considered as black bodies, they are able to emit such a bright light. This is because of the extreme nuclear reactions going on the star surface that counteracts its black body characteristic.

  • Not conformity, live, or dead. You will be amazed to know that the star you are enjoying right now is still alive or dead. The light that we are seeing today in the night sky had taken hundreds or thousands of years to reach us. This is because stars are generally present millions of light-years far. Thus the light that we are receiving today might have emitted many years ago and the star might have died.

  • Nearest black hole. Scientists have recently discovered a black hole named HR 6819  that Is only 1000 light-years (roughly 9.5 thousand, million, million km) far from earth. Although it might seem that it is quite far, regard to space it is a quite small distance. But this black hole is not a thing to worry about.

  • Brightest star. Ever noticed a very bright star lit up in the sky like a 100-watt bulb in a room. It is none other than Sirius(the brightest star in the night sky). Very easy to locate, just lift up your head and search for the blazing star in the sky. It is generally present in the southwest direction most of the time in a year.
The night sky is a beautiful thing to admire. If noticed dedicatedly one can find different kinds of spectacular patterns formed by joining stars in a particular order. Yes they are constellations. 

"The messy web of stars is hard to comeover but an ultimate storehouse of beauty."

Ancient Aliens