Power of subconscious mind.

Power of subconscious mind and meaning of subconscious mind

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** Conscious mind is the Relational mind, that is it had the power of cross-questioning to our thoughts. It is also known as the reasoning mind.
** Whereas the subconscious mind is known as an Irrational mind because of the fact that it doesn't have the power of judging our thoughts.
Whatever we feed in our subconscious mind, it works accordingly. Functions like digestion, blood circulation, breathing are controlled by the subconscious mind.

1. Whatever you impress on your subconscious mind, is expressed on the screen as condition, experience, and event.
Here the screen is compared to life.

2. All your experiences, events, conditions, and acts are the reactions of your subconscious mind to your thoughts.

3. Every thought is a cause and every condition is an effect.

4. Never finish a negative statement, reverse it immediately and wonders will happen in life.

5. Perfectly illustrated in the book " The power of the subconscious mind", that if positive thoughts are being continuously embedded in our subconscious mind, some unbelievable things so-called miracles can happen in our life.

6. Our subconscious mind is so powerful that it can even predict future events that may occur in one's life. This is the same as the process of sowing and reaping.
Sow positive thoughts, positive things will follow.

8. With the help of your subconscious mind, you can also solve some problems ( they can be any.. problems related to life, exams, etc) which at the first attempt are not solved by your conscious mind. The only thing you had to do is just leave that problem at that instance and move to another. There remains a great chance that after a leap of time you may get the solution to the problem.

9. The function of the conscious mind is just  10 percent, 10 percent is of the unconscious, and the remaining 80 percent is of the subconscious mind. Our mind is like an iceberg,  only a little fraction of mind is exposed to our knowledge. Rest that is subconscious mind is the biggest, and yet not mastered by many.
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10. Your subconscious mind is a ginormous memory bank that has been storing and sorting everything that has ever happened to you. By the time a human reaches the age of 21, the amount of data received and stored is 100x the contents of the Encyclopedia Britannica—that’s 32 volumes—32,640 pages of 40 million on half a million topics.

** subconscious mind is the seat of your emotions and the storehouse of memory.

American essayist, Ralph Waldo Emerson said " Man is what he thinks all day long"**


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